Aurora Tennis and Swim Club       (504) 392-3300

Member List



A searchable membership list is available to registered members only. The homepage offers two ways to use the list. You can search for a member directly from the homepage by entering a few letters of their name and pressing Search or you can select the Members button in the Features menu to view the entire list.

The list opens showing all members in alphabetical order by last name. Scroll or search the list for a particular member by entering a few characters of the members name in the seach box then clicking the Search button. Any memebers whose name contains those characters will be listed.

Click twice on a members email address to send them an email message. Your email program will open with the members email address filled in. Use the check boxes to the right if you want to send email to several members at once. After checking the names you want, click the Create Message button at the end of the list to open a mass email page where you can enter your message. The small All button at the top right of the list will place check next to each members name.



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Web Application ByConsencis

