Aurora Tennis and Swim Club (504) 392-3300 |
Joining a group |
Public groups will display a page located in the club website under the appropriate topic. This page will display the description the leader provided for the group and the image the leader selected. It will also contain a participate button on the right side of the page. Once a prospective member presses the Participate button they will be taken to the signup sheet. Enter or update required information then press submit to join the group. A page will appear that lets you indicate which events you’ll be available to attend. After you fill out this schedule and press submit, your information will be submitted to the leader as an application to join the group. Both you and the leader will receive an email notice and the leader will be able to use the website to accept your application. Once you complete the signup, you may browse the other features of the club website but will not have access to the private group section of site until the leader completes your sign in. You'll get a confirming email when the leader accepts your application and a link to the group area of the website will be automatically added to your MyAurora personalized choices list for easy access. You can also access the group from the group's display page using the participate button. Signing up with acceptance by the group leader is a privacy feature that limits access to just group members. You’ll be able to update your schedule throughout the season so your group leader can use the updated information to make scheduling choices up to a day or two before each event. If within twenty four hours of any scheduled event you become unable to participate you should contact your group leader by phone. Relying on the website or email this late invites disappointment. |
Joining a private group Joining a private group is even simpler for the member. Once you agree to join the group, the leader will simply add your name to the g... |