Aurora Tennis and Swim Club       (504) 392-3300




The master calendar is accessible from the feature menu on the homepage. It displays the information that is distributed with the newsletter but since it is online it is more up to date and complete than the printed version. It also displays events not listed in the newsletter such as court reservations for leagues.

This calendar supports multiple themes and may be customized to display your interests. Initially it opens showing all information for the current month. From the Themes pull down on the left you can limit the display to a single theme. Thus if your only interest is Swimming you can select that theme and see only the Swimming events. The pull down on the right allows you to view months other than the current month. 

Clicking on a date (number) will open a page listing the events for just that date. If an event is underlined on the calendar it is linked to additional information about that event. 

A printable version of the calendar can be accessed from the print link on the month view. You can then use your browser’s print function to send the page to your printer.

Click here to see the calendar in a new window. You can try the printable version link at the bottom and look at the month list display. Change the theme to tennis to see just the tennis related activities. Change the month displayed with either the VCR style controls or select a month from the pull down. When you are finished exploring the calendar close the window to return here. Then press the back button to explore the other features on the Feature Menu.


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