Aurora Tennis and Swim Club       (504) 392-3300


AMTA 2005 Summer Extension



Thursday evening league tennis. Even though its after work, the sun is shining when we start playing.

Open to AMTA members in between the competitive Spring and Fall Seasons. No prizes, $10 fee for regulars, $5 for subs. Balls provided. Meet at 7pm Thursday evenings on Court 9. Ranking determined each week based on your score. The better you play the tougher the competition. Currently competing in the 2.5-4.0 range.

The summer schedule has been used to test various scoring formats so we consider it informal. Sometimes we play 10 game sets of no-ad, other times it's eight games with ads, sometimes it's straight tennis scoring. Swap partners after each set. You just won't know until you signup and play.

Flexible web based scheduling allows you to signup anytime during the season. Play when you are available. There is no need to get a sub when you provide 48 hours notice. Designed with today's dynamic work and personal schedules in mind.

Signup for AMTA Thursday night summer league.


  Aurora Country Club f3 Aurora Country Club

Web Application ByConsencis

